If you are interested in becoming a re-enactor, we will make you really welcome at Worcester Re-enactors. Whatever period you are interested in, role you would like to do, what kit you need, we have members that portray from early Viking period through to WW2. We have some re-enactors that can loan, depending on what period you want to do and if you are good with sewing machine or needle and thread, we have people that can help you with patterns and you can make your own clothing.
Even if you do not what to dress up in period kit you can become a member of Worcester Re-enactors we need people to help with setting up for events, stewarding or helping in any way at our events. This leaves the re-enactors free to do what they do best portraying their periods to the public. at events where we have living history encampments you would be able to camp overnight to and enjoy the social side in the evening. We also have some social nights in local pubs during the year.
Cost for joining Worcester Re-enactors is £15 for the year this is from 1st April until 31st March. If you would like to know more about what you could or would like to do, please get in touch. You can use the pastlives email to contact and someone will get in touch