Table of Contents

Every era has a tale to tell

Members of Worcester Re-enactors cover a very large range of Historical periods ranging from early medieval through to the 20th century. 

The numbers of members portraying any given period, varies from one or two through to larger groups of 30 – 40.

Quite a few of our members portray more than one period, and many more are members of other re-enactment groups in addition to Worcester Re-enactors.

Time Line

Peoples Portrayed - Click below for information and gallery of the era 

6000 BC - AD 475 – Ancient History

Celts | Ancient Greeks | Romans

475 - 1066 – Early Medieval

Anglo-Saxons | Vikings

1066 - 1485 – High Medieval


1485 - 1750 – The Renaissance


1750 - 1945 – Late Modern Period

Victorian | Napolenoic | American Civil War | World War One | World War Two

1945+ – Contemporary History