Table of Contents

Every era has a tale to tell

Worcester Re-enactors are a friendly group largely based in the Worcestershire area, but with members now from wider afield. We started life as a pub quiz team and developed into a informal group meeting, every Wednesday in one of Worcester’s excellent pubs.

Having fun, the old fashioned way

Around 20 years ago the group became more formalised as a means to put on our first event ‘Living History in Worcester’. The original event, based in Worcester’s Guildhall attracted a few dozen re-enactors. Today it attracts 200 plus re-enactors and has spread to six venues across the city.

Our events are Worcestershire based and more details can be found on the events page.

We always welcome new members and can usually put you in touch with someone who can explain the ins & outs of getting involved with your period of choice. Having fun, while sharing our enthusiasm for the history of our favourite period is what we are primarily about – so if this sounds like you, come along to one of our events or get in touch using the details on the contact page.